Sunday, September 30, 2007

puzzle world? or puzzle making?? fictional, imaginary, illusionary

This image which I got from I found really interesting as not only was there a world within the puzzle and a world within the jigsaw puzzle making, it looks as though the lady in the puzzle is actually communicating with the boy who is making the puzzle, kind of combining the two worlds together. So, in a way, they are combined and separate worlds that would not have been possible in the real world.
This puzzle image makes it look like the entrance and exit is thorugh the puzzle maker and the lady in the puzzle combining both of the worlds as they communicate.

hole in ground- existing, daily life, functional, cartoonist

This image makes it look as though there is a hole in the ground in which the people are falling.. into another world? it makes it interesting, the bottom doesn't have to be just like a well, it could be a bottomless pitt or to another realm. I got this image from Aswell as that, it is painted in the 3d world to be seeming like a real image, as though people could really fall into it, which really intrigues me about this picture.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

3d world mixed with 2d-existing, daily life, fictional, cartoonist

These images give the sense of two worlds combinimg. The real life a cartoons as well as 3d and 2d. as they are both physicall 2d but as you look at them they look 3d, painted on the concrete which seems impossibly world as though there is another world in the concrete that you don't acknowledge is just a 2d painting. Within this real world there is the cartoon world that seems as though its 3d

Worlds within- fantasy

This image is of a world but withing that world is seen of other wirlds within the orbs of that world which give the world that type of world within another world kind of moulding one into wach other somehow, which is impossible in reality. This image I from

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

3 perspectives- fantasy, illusionary

With different perspectives in this, the image can be seen in many different angles combined, as though many different spaces are there and seems as though different worlds are combined in it. this image was brought from
the different perspectives give the idea of different worlds within this image and combine worlds that is physically impossible in the real world, as this image all the "worlds" within it only shows a little part of the world, like opening a door to a new world where you don't know whatelse there is gives it mystery and interest.
There seems to be in this image there seems to be 3 different types of entrances and exits as the worlds are combined as if they are in the same world but as you look closer it looks as though they are totally different dimensions and worlds combined in to one.

Disney world- cartoonistic, fantasy, imaginary

Disney world, Retrieved from where the image and colour used in it maked it look unreal, it is a fantasy world that is within this world and how the made up characters of the fairy tales come to life. It is a fatasy world within a real world. as this picture gives you an idea of what is within but you still do not want to expect. A surprise because you wouldn't expect the characters of the fairy tales to come to life but in disney world they do.

I added more pictures of Disney world but of what was inside. These imsages are of different Disney characters. Although they are all of the same world, they are in separate worlds due to their separate stories within each other. These came from and
The entrance and exit is the entrance to Disney world, with all the fairy tales in one place which combines what is within and combining the zones.


These images which I retrieved from and
These are made with what seems to be like paper giving the paper a 3d feel to it, and it made by folds and based on some of Esher's work. I find it interesting, as these images give a sense of a world with in the labyrith, of confusion and mystery yet it gives an interest as it goes in all sorts or different directions unknown to where it will lead anyone.

Maze- existing, daily life

My other images is of a maze which I retrieved from

This is a arial view of an actual maze, a labyrinth, with the theme of finding a way out, a world of its own. This has a entrance and an exit in which you eventually find and the zone that connects the entrance and the exit is the actual maze and what is within it.

Monsters inc-cartoonistic, imaginary, fictional

I was thinking about the impossible world and about a world that connects, as we have to combine the rest of the pictures and the film came into my head, and how they went from door to door to different worlds. This picture which I retrieved from$full$ is an image of surprise as they did not know what was beyond that door, it was seperate from all the other worlds yet were combined at the same time.

I added 3 more monsters inc pictures just to show more of the world behind the doors and elaborate it, as in one the images it is obvious that there is a world behind the doors as the monsters are going through them ( The other two look as though the monsters in monsters inc have a glimpse into the world that they are going to step out into, these images I received from and
In these pictures the entrance and exit is all from different doors and it connects the different zones through the factory full of the doors in which each door leads into a separate world and dimension

Friday, September 7, 2007

Final 3

I refined a few parts of my final just to make it a little bit better. I made the yellow colour of the barbed wire less intense so it didn't draw away the attention from the snake and the bird as much, and could be seen more easily. I took away the box surrounding my image because it did not necessarily look necessary, as well as it made it harder to see the reification of my assignment. The barbed wire is still there still giving a sense of being trapped with nowhere to go. I also changed a bit of the video, as now you can see that there is no gap inbetween the two videos and merges must more nicely.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Snake trials

The trials of the snake that I have tried, but do not think that it is good enough as it needs more detail to show it is a snake.

Final 2

Refined final

Final notes (dangerous, lethal, vicious, ruthless)

My idea being dangerous, I showed with my colour, the colour black and yellow which is seen on danger signs and the textures were all a dull colour which tends to seem like a dangerous colour. The form I wanted to show was a viral, afraid to tough it, as though it is poisonous and potentially dangerous, which formed my reificated and invarianced shapes. The shapes it creates is of a snake that soon attacks an innocent bird, which is shown next to the snake and shows the juxtaposition.
Using premier pro to combine all the videos together because of the morphing making it unable to morph into all sorts of shapes. The texture mapping being very useful as I could precisely put the texture in a specific angle and place on the object. Unable to attach to add extra detail however, was shown to some extend as though it was hidden of attached to the object it was intended to attach to.
Reification was shown in the final product as all the images was shown with objects not joined together but forming an image inbetween the spaces and although it first came from a simple shape but then morphed into a different more complicated shape, you could still see the sphere within it, which is where invariance came into the video, that no matter how distorted and transformed the shape was, it was still obvious it came from a sphere originally.

Edit mesh

Using edit mesh was very useful as I could change things within the elements throughtout the film I was making. By using this tool I was able to delete specific polygons and then I could alter the vertexes to the shape I needed to make my reificated shape, the problem with this method was it was difficult to make other shapes as I would have distorted it too much.

2 main videos joined

As I found morphing quite hard as I made shapes and then expected them to morph into something else, It proved difficult, as I tried reificating the image into a reification of another, it would change my video as I did not want it. Trying to replace the spheres did not help either as that just removed my whole video, so instead I used Adobe premier pro to join the two movies with a background.

Colour changes/uvw mspping


As my idea was about the keyword "dangerous", so to incorporate the juxtaposition, I made a video about a dangerous snake attacking an innocent bird. As the bird came about it was used in a way that first formed from a perfect whole sphere, whereas the other parts creating the snakes would be created by viral looking spheres as though it ought not to be touched. So, to further elaborate the bird and its juxtaposition before it is attacked, I wanted it to look nice with a fluid type texture and as it is attacked it would change textures to that spikey viral texture, but was not able to change it, so instead I put the viral dangerous textures on all elements and the form of the perfect sphere that showed the bird after was enough for the juxtaposition, as well as the bird place right next to the snake.
The uvw mapping came in quite useful as you could control the image of the texture and how it would turn out on the element, using different types of textures.

Attaching, altering the video

I found it really hard to attach and then use it as a video as for some reason, after I have attached the elements, the video would distort and would change the whole video, so instead I used the elements without attaching it making it as unobvious as posssible.
Using attach for little minor things like if I wanted to have the same texture I could just easily attached the elements and could put the same testure on all.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

attach experiment notes

When I attached the extra parts to my main objects it ruined my video and would not work properly as you can see in the video

edit mesh technique.

Found out that if I boolean my object it ruins my whole video, so instead I use edit mesh and delete a few polygons and use the vertex tool to refine the shape which works better than all the other methods I've been trying.
Also attaching is helpful aswell as it makes some things easier, as it will effect all of the spheres but if you select one sphere you can also change it and not change the other ones.
Using a camera to show the corner, which can be moved in a different angles.

dangerous concept

Working with the idea concept keyword dangerous, I decided to work with spikes and the colours yellow and black as many danger signs are that colour and show the danger. So my idea being morphing from normal spheres to spikey viral looking dangerous spheres which then are used to shape the shape formed by reification. The shape will be in the form of a cobra snake, the most lethal and dangerous snake as it attacks its prey of an innocent bird where it shows the danger in my concept. Using the background as a yellow type colour and the objects as a near black colour to represent danger. It will be made of 3 viral spheres and two of them will be a light safe colour close to white but not quite, which will help form the innocent bird that is attacked by the dangerous and lethal snake. It helps show the juxtaposition through the slight colour change. For this colour I will use a texture that will look flowing and safe and the dangerous, the texture will be of spikes.
The invariance shown as it is obvious throughout that it is made of simple round spheres.
Using a corner to show the danger as the snakes prey is trapped in a corner with nowhere to go.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

snake experiment

Using spheres and the use of the capsule tool, I made a snake in which I booleaned out of the spheres to show the image inbetween the normal spheres that have transformed from it. Also using edit poly to make it the shape I want and making the curves in the snake.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

overall experimentation notes

In this experiment, I found out the best way to morph the spheres was to not only use edit mesh or just boolean but to use both for a better more detailed way to make it, to use boolean for the main parts of the shape for the reification and edit mesh to change parts that would seem next to impossible with the small tiny details. The background I felt necessary to elaborate and show how the two juxtapositions merge from one image. Using edit mesh instead of edit poly as edit mesh allows me to morph my object which is very useful as my concept is mainly to do with morphing and trasforming through invariance and reification.

background merged

These are the pictures of the images merged within the concept I want to portray, where I think the one with mountains, sky and land look the best.

backgroud material/texture

to make it more interesting, I decided on a background material in which these two main images would look best in, the first being the sky with clouds, maybe as it falls the background would change, or a desert with the golden sunset in the background, which would have been the perfect conditions for the snake byt not for the paraglider, or a background that had clear blue skies and some mountains and try earth where a snake could inhabit, which I found much easier to merge the both within one image. Using the same texture as the material to make it look not only more interesting but more united within it yet seeing images within it. Not making the texture the expact same as the background changing the glossiness and the brightness of the lights that are put upon the spheres.


As I did not feel the edit mesh tool did not quite give the result I wanted for the reification of my image, I tried to use boolean, which worked out quite well, but think the best would be to use the boolean tool and edit mesh to refine the small parts that boolean can quite reach and making it abit more realistic.

edit poly notes.

As I tried to use edit poly for changing the shape of the sphere to let it seem as though it was a perfect circle but when rotated you realise that it is not a perfect sphere from other angles. Using auto key to make a video as I intend to do, I also found that as I used autokey to make other shapes at a different time on the timeline, edit poly would change the shape all throughout the whole timeline and not just in that instance. I soon found out, however, that it was due to the fact of using edit poly instead of edit mesh. As you may or may not see, I actually place the spheres at different scales or sizes to see that it is the same size but from a different angle some are brought forward to seem as though it is bigger.