Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Found out that lithographs are actually drawings that you draw in reverse on a aliuminium plate or fine-grained stone which then is printed through a lithograph machine. It is also different to etchings and wood carvings in the way that in etchings and wood carving you must incise lines into the material you are using and that lithographs use a chemically treated flat surface. As you use a different colour on a lithograph, I learned that another plate would needed to be used for each different colour. I thought I would research a bit of info on lithographs since M. C. Escher used a lithograph for his illusions. The infomation was derived from Paintings and interiors interest me the most which draws me alot to the work of M. C. Escher, but am not sure yet because the digital side of things also interest me.

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