Sunday, October 7, 2007

Haunted idea.

Trying to base my idea still on the "haunted" of idea for the world, I tried to make the forms more about my idea, so as it moves and launches into another world, the forms would be based on the idea of the intimidating and the threatening, as dangerous was too broad.
Then it leads to a portal that you would have never assumed would be there.
At the beginning, it starts off with a story that there is fog, where no one can see, but a translucent mysterious fog is there, giving the idea of a whispy ghost-like feeling, as though you're being followed, then as you walk through the fog, you end up in a cave as the fog dissapates, with the cave like world a dark and gloomy space, intimidating with the spikes protruding out of the the cave walls and sharp icicles that seem to almost be on the verge of falling onto the ground, with the spikes unknown if they will strike or not. Finding the hidden treasure. At the end would be the end of the line but there is no way down and nowhere to go. But as they get closer they put put hand in space but it disappear, and finds out it is a portal, then the spikey walls begin to close in so jump through. ending up in the same mysterious fog as before, and exits as the fog disappears as mysteriously as it came about.
The entrance of the impossible world is where the mysterious fog comes, where there are people who are looking for a treasure, entering the intimidating threatening cave as they walk forward and a portal that joins back into the world full of ghostly fog.
The idea of the intimidating and threatening comes from assignment 2, where my idea was about the dangerous, and the idea of the hidden, is how the hidden world of the intimidating world is brought and taken away, as there are the two hidden portals from one place to the other. The hidden idea coming from my first idea of the hidden illusionary patterns of assignment one. As well as the treasure that is stowed away in the intimidating world.
The treasure being a colourful colour as the hidden is now found, where as the other parts are gloomy, dark coloured and dull colours.

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